Build a collaborative filtering recommender with ChatGPT

I've developed a lot of plugin systems, and the OpenAI ChatGPT plugin interface might be the damn craziest and most impressive approach I've ever seen in computing in my entire life..

"Mitchell Hashimoto"


ChatGPT does not create the excitement but also the panic to professionals who are having the fear that the tool may become a replacement of humans. OpenAI published the article to debate on the impact of ChatGPT on the labor market. Programming and writing are identified as those skills that may have positive association with exposures, implying the occupations that use these skills may be influenced by ChatGPT.

The work shared in this post conducts an experiment to learn how ChatGPT changes my way of developing a data science or machine learning project. I chose a topic that I am familiar with, recommender system, as it is a representative data science problem that involves the typical steps of a data science project, for illustration. GPT-4 is used primarily for producing the codes as well as the document used in the project, while the inputs are mostly my prompts to ChatGPT.


ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI, which uses the latest large language model of GPT-4 for generating human-like dialogues when it is given “prompts”. I wrote a post that introduces the fundamentals about ChatGPT, and it can be found here - it may be a good reading material to understand ChatGPT.

Recommender system

A recommender system is a software that can generates the user-preferred items based on the historical user-item interactions or user-item attributes. Detailed introduction and code examples of recommender system can be found in the Microsoft Recommenders repository.

Without loss of generity, the objective of the project illustrated in this post is to build a collaborative filtering recommender which is one of the simplest types of the recommenders. The algorithm used for the recommender is the SAR algorithm. The data used for the recommender development is the Movielens 100k dataset. The recommender performance is evaluated by using the commonly used metrics such as precision@k and recall@k.

Usually, building a simple collaborative filtering recommender system from scratch may take hours. Considering the efforts on test development, system integration, documentation, etc., there may be extra hours required.

Build a recommender


The steps for developing the collaborative filtering recommender system are shown below. It is worth noting that in addition to the core function codes of the recommender system, unit test development, system integration, document development, etc., are also considered into the scope of the project.

  1. Develop the function codes for the major components in the recommender system.
    • Obtain the dataset.
    • Do the split of the dataset into train and test sets.
    • Build the model with the SAR algorithm.
    • Evaluate the model with recall@k and precision@k metrics.
  2. Develop the unit tests.
  3. Integrate the individual functions into a pipeline script.
  4. Reorganize the repository.
  5. Develop the documentation.

In this project, the above tasks are accomplished by using ChatGPT. The detailed prompts used for the above steps can be found in the prompts listed here. The prompts are written in the act as format, and executed sequentially in ChatGPT to produce the corresponding output. The generated codes and document are organized and placed into the raw files of the project, which can then be run out-of-the-box.

Time efforts

The time efforts of accomplishing the project were roughly recorded and listed in the following table.

Task Time effort
Function development 2 minutes
Unit test development 1 minute
Pipeline integration 1 minutes
Debug the codes 20 minutes
Perform necessary refactoring 2 minutes
Organize project structure 3 minutes
Documentation 1 minutes

The total time efforts to finish the project was about 30 minutes. Most of the tasks did not take more than 3 minutes. Note that debug the codes is not listed in the tasks aforementioned in the previoius sub-section but in fact it took me the longest time as the codes generated from ChatGPT are not always bug-free given the context in the prompts.


There are some interesting findings during the development.

Inaccuracy of the code generation

The utilities such as data download function, SAR algorithm implementation, etc., in the latest recommenders library with version 1.1.1 are not precisely generated in the codes by ChatGPT. ChatGPT still gives me the old module implementation, e.g., it uses the library module name of reco_utils (this was the one for the recommenders library when I was still with Microsoft :)) instead of recommenders. It did the same even if I explicitly stated in the prompts that the latest version should be used.

A similar issue regarding the recommenders library is that, by using the prompt that asked ChatGPT to generate a requirements.txt file that lists the most latest stable versions of the Python dependencies, it still gave me recommenders with version of 0.7.0 instead of the latest 1.1.1.

Unit tests

I specify the unit tests code coverage to be at least 60%, and the test suites gave me 85% which was quite impressive. This indicates that the language model understands the code logic, and it developed the meaningful tests for the functional codes.


Debugging was the most frustrating process for the entire project. The codes had bugs due to several reasons.

  • The codes do not use the latest version of Python dependency. I.e., recommenders 0.7.0 was used instead of 1.1.1.
  • When interacting with ChatGPT to fine-tune the codes, e.g., adding docstrings, reformating the codes by following PEP8, etc., if these asks are not immediately executed after the functional codes generation, the codes may be slightly changed such that they are not compatible with the ones that have been generated. For example, the function names, variable names, etc., can be changed. I have not found a way to help ChatGPT “memorise” what I have asked it to do - if the dialogue is “not-linear” it seems like ChatGPT loses its track of the history, and thus makes mistakes.
  • When the generated codes are put together into the project directory, they are not well compatible due to the issues of import path, name of modules, etc. This requires extra efforts after the code generation to make sure that the entire end-to-end workflow works well.


In general, my gut feeling is that ChatGPT greatly enhances my productivity on those tasks that are repetitive. Maybe I should improve my way of using it (for example, the experience of development may be enhanced by using Copilot) but after this quick experiment I have no fear of “being replaced by the tool”. Here are my reasons.

  • Instead of several small prompts, I have tried arranging a big prompt but it did not produce anything useful. That is to say, before using ChatGPT, as a human expert in the domain, I still need to understand the complexity of the project regarding the implementation steps. Especially, the complexity may be extended when there are more asks to resolve finer-grained problems like improvement of model performance, optimization of pipeline performance, etc. Apparently, as a language model, ChatGPT does not have the capability to either think of or suggest such strategies to deal with the problem. What it does well is to follow the directional and concise prompt to produce the corresponding response.
  • ChatGPT does not generate anything that is more than what is asked in the prompts. Sometimes, the response generated from the model may contain some “bonus” information. For example, when I asked ChatGPT to develop a function that downloads Movielens dataset and returns a pandas dataframe, in addition to the function as per request, it also produces some notes to explain the implementation details (see blow).

    import pandas as pd
    import urllib.request
    def download_movielens_data():
        url = ''
        headers = ['user_id', 'item_id', 'rating', 'timestamp']
        data = pd.read_csv(urllib.request.urlopen(url), sep='\t', names=headers)
        return data

    This function uses the urllib.request library to download the data from the specified URL and reads it into a pandas dataframe using pd.read_csv(). We specify that the data is tab-separated and provide the original headers as a list to the names parameter. Finally, the function returns the resulting dataframe.

    The notes are useful, but it is obvious that they do not generate any extra value to the function I asked it to develop. In comparison, when an experienced data scientist sees the function, he may raise suggestions such as add a file path to allow saving data to local file, add exception handler, make the url string and data headers as global constants, etc., which enhances readability and usability of the function, and these suggestions are beyond the scope that is pre-defined by the prompts.

  • Due to the limitations above, for the time being, ChatGPT does not perform well in handling a complicated code module where there are multiple functional units. In the long-term run this will be definitely improved, and the prompt to build a recommender system can be as simple as “As a data scientist, can you build a collaborative filtering recommender system”. But there will be still a “boundary” between the human creativity and the AI-generated contents, until the human brain is perfectly emulated by AI.

In general, as for now, I am optimistic rather than pessimic about ChatGPT. It enhances my productivity and let me spare my time to focus on the value-adding work instead of the repetitive coding activities. Learning and leveraging the tool is critical to the professionals like myself. Maybe today is still early to see the disruption, the technology will soon make the significant differences on human (programmer)’s experience on working.

Code repository

The code repository can be found here, where the prompts and the Python scripts generated from ChatGPT are collected.