Single responsibility

Gather together those things that change for the same reason, and separate those things that change for different reasons.

"Uncle Bob (Robert Martin)"


Single responsibility is a well-known principle used in developing computer software. The principle originates from Robert Martin. It is a general principle that applies to any software design. The core idea of single responsibility is that a module should be responsibility to one, and only one, actor. There are a few ways to interpret this idea. For example, Martin explained the principle with “a class should have only one reason to change”.

There are many benefits of following the single responsibility principle in software development.

  1. It enhances modularization.
  2. It favors unit test.
  3. It improves code readability.
  4. It mitigates ambiguity and confusion.

Practicing the single responsibility principle is vital to developing data science and machine learning software. The single responsibility principle can be illustrated on three folds.

“Different problems have different objects”

A “problem” may be defined with different scopes, but in general, different problems need to be implemented in different objects however they are big or small. For example, an object can be created to deal with database-related operation, and another object can be created to handle model training and model scoring. “Database-related operations” and “machine learning model-related operations” are considered to be two different sets of problems so they require different objects.

For example, scikit-learn applies single responsibility in implementing the base Estimator or Transformer. That is, these base classes have the standardized structure such as the methods of fit, predict, score, etc., which are the most relevant “roles” to an Estimator or Transformer. The classes or functions for other atomic operations are implemented as separate entities.

Similar idea can be seen in the deep learning packages like torch. The nn.Module implements the neural network topology, but it does not incorporate the training component. This is because a separate module takes the “responsibility” for optimizing the loss of a model defined in the nn.Module.

“Focus on one if there are multiple types of sub-problems to resolve”

A lot of times the object can be made obscure when there are functionalities being added to it that may exceed its pre-defined scope. If there is an object that is supposed to handle multiple different sub-problems, it may be reasonable to split the scope of the object and apply the splits to only the sub-problems, respectively.

A very representative example to illustrate this principle is the write functions used for saving the pandas dataframe. Though the write operation can be considered as one problem, it may have sub-problems that write the dataframe to different types of output formats, i.e., csv, parquet, etc. And therefore, there are different dedicated methods of the pandas.DataFrame object to handle these sub-problems. That is, for saving to csv, to_csv is used, and for saving to parquet, to_parquet is used.

“Add only the necessary functionalities to the object”

It happens frequently that unnecessary functionalities are added to an object, which makes the object less maintainable. Considering a class where the unnecessary emthods are added, the cost will be not merely the implementation of the additional methods but also the unit tests and integration tests that may apply.

Sometimes, it is indeed hard to tell whether the functionalities are required or not. The usual way of dealing with such situation is that the responsibility can be “propagated” to or “passed” from by using other auxiliary objects. This idea can be seen in many commonly used design pattern such as “strategy” - it implements the “context” that controls the actual behavior of the object. The unnessary components of a “strategy” can then be put into the “context” so that whenever there is a change of the context, the actual strategy is also affected. And as a result, the context and the strategies can be implemented and maintained separately.

Case study: recommender system

The following demonstrates the use of the “single-responsibility” principle in designing a recommender system.

Recall and rerank

In a recommender system, a commonly seen architecture pattern is “recall-rerank”

  • the former does large-scale retrieval of relevant items and the latter reranks the relevant items with detailed contextual information for recommending to users. A possible design of such system is a Recommender class, where the “recall” stage and the “rerank” stage are added as methods for performing respective tasks. The high-level code example is shown as below.
class Recommender():
    def recall(self):
        print("Do recall")
    def rerank(self):
        print("Do rerank)

Apparently, if there are details to add into the Recommender class, it will make it look “bloated”. For example, the recall stage requires the input of users, items, and the user-item interactions, i.e., user_item_interactions, to get the similar items that a user has interacted from the items pool. With the input data, the actual “recall” operation to generate the relevant items may be powered by a model trained by the interation data with an algorithm, which generates the quantitative measure which decides the output of recall. That is, if the measure is higher than a threshold, the item is considered to be relevant. The parameter of item_per_user determines how many items for each user need to be recalled.

The above detailed design leads to a possible implementation of the recall in an actual Recommender class that inherits the abstract one. The codes can be found below

def recall(
    """Recall method

        users: a list of users to generate recall items for.
        items: a list of candidate items.
        algorithm: an algorithmic class for recalling items.
        user_item_interactions: user item interaction data.
        threshold: threshold for generating relevant items.
        item_per_user: number of recalled items for each user.
        algorithm_parameters: parameters of the recall algorithm.
    # Train the recall model.
    model = Algorithm(**algorithm_parameters).fit(user_item_interactions)

    # Generate the relevant items.
    recalled_items = model.predict(users, items, threshold, item_per_user)

    return recalled_items

class Algorithm():
    """Implementation of the algorithm that builds the recall model
    def fit(self, data):

    def predict(self, data, *args, **kwargs):

It is obvious that the above implementation will break the single responsibility principle for the class of Recommender. This is because

  • the workflow in either recall or rerank is only applicable to itself, respectively,
  • anything changed in either recall or rerank leads to a change in the entire object of Recommender.

An advisable approach to mitigate the issue is to separate the stages and implement them as single classes. That is

class Recall():
    model = None

    def build_model(
        """Build the model to perform recall operation
        self.model = Algorithm(**algorithm_parameters).fit(user_item_interactions)

    def generate_items(
        """Use the pre-built model to generate the recalled items.
        if self.model is not None:
            # Generate the relevant items.
            recalled_items = self.model.predict(users, items, threshold, item_per_user)
            raise ValueError("The model should be built in the first place")

        return recalled_items

Similarly, Rerank can be implemented as a different class with detailed attributes and methods that a specific to rerank stage. The Recommender class encapsulates the high-level steps of recall and rerank by adding the Recall and Rerank object to propagate the “responsibility” of each to an upper level, and then the Recommender object harness the run of recall stage or rerank stage. Any logic changes in either recall or rerank is not reflected in the code of Recommender.

from typing import Union

class Recommender():
    def __init__(self, recall: Recall, rerank: Rerank):
        self.recall = recall
        self.rerank = stage

And the recall and rerank operations will be run as

# Initialize a recommender
recommender = Recommender(Recall(), Rerank())

# Build model
recommender.recall.build_model(user_item_interactions, **algorithm_parameters)

# Do recall
recall_items = recommender.recall.generate_items(users, items, threshold, item_per_user)

Data preservation

It is common that the items generated from one of the stages are cached into a database for later reference. A tendency of implementing such is to add a method into the Recall or Rerank class for preserving data.

def write_items(self, items, connection_string: str):
    """write the items to a database.

        items: the items to write to the database.
        connection_string: the connection string for the database to write results.
    # build_db_connection is a function that returns the generator to perform
    # write operation under the context managed by the connection.
    with build_db_connection(connection_string) as conn:
        write_data(items, conn)

After adding write_items method, the Recall class has multiple types of sub-problems, i.e., 1) builds a recall model and generates the recall items and 2) save the items to the database. This breaks the single responsibility of the class in a way that the two types of problems have minimal overlap in terms of functionalities and implementation, but changing one of the two will lead to the change of the entire class.

A better choice is to have a separate class of RecommenderDataManager where there are methods to support data read and write. The RecommenderDataManager may be used as a generic object at the Recommender class level, to handle the data read/write related operations.

class RecommenderDatabaseManager:
    def __init__(self, connection_string):
        self.connection_string = connection_string
    def write_items(self, items):
        """Write items to the database

            items: the items to write.

            The items are assumed to be written to a default table
        with build_db_connection(self.connection_string) as conn:
            write_data(items, conn)

    def read_items(self):
        """Read items from the database

            The items are read from the default table
        with build_db_connection(self.connection_string):
            items = read_data(conn)

In actual use, it becomes

data_manager = RecommenderDatabaseManager(connection_striing)

# Write recall items

# Read recall items

To support the rerank data read/write operation, a parameter of table may be added in the methods of RecommenderDatabaseManager to filter the target tables in the database.

Making the hollistic pipeline

Usually, before either the recall or the rerank stage, possibly, there may be data pre-processing steps, e.g., feature engineering; after generating the results, sometimes the items need to be post-procssed, e.g., business rules may apply to the items before they are recommended. An anti-pattern approach is to add the pre_process and post_process methods to the Recall class, for preprocessing and post processing, respectively.

However, these two methods do not add help to the existing methods build_model and generate_items directly. This is because the methods in the Recall class are already self-consistent in terms of functionality provided the input data and parameters. In this case, the pre-process and post-process methods are not necessary to be added to the Recall class. A better choice is that the two methods can be implemented as standalone classes or functions to serve for the purposes of preprocessing and post-processing, respectively.

The following shows an example of the function implementation and its workflow in combination with the Recall class.

def pre_process(user_item_interactions):
    """Preprocess function for user-item interactions
    # Do some preprocessing
    return user_item_interactions

# Preprocess data.
user_item_interactions = pre_process(user_item_interactions)

# Build recall model
recall = Recall()
recall.build_model(user_item_interactions, **parameters)

By doing this, the functionalities of preprocessing and the actual recall are separated for single responsibilities.


  1. Martin, Robert C. (2005). “The Principles of OOD”.
  2. Andreas Argyriou, Miguel Gonzalez-Fierro, and Le Zhang, “Microsoft Recommenders: Best Practices for Production-Ready Recommender Systems”.
  3. Pandas Development Team, “Pandas”, url:, Zenodo, 2020
  4. Refactoring guru, “Strategy in Python”.