Always remember that when it comes to markets, past performance is not a good predictor of future returns—looking in the rear-view mirror is a bad way to drive. Machine learning, on the other hand, is applicable to datasets where the past is a good predictor of the future.
How the story began
I joined Microsoft as a junior data scientist in 2016. Microsoft is my second company after I graduated with the Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. When I just got on board, I thought modelling is the absolute core component of my job. Unlike many data scientists, I am from a computer engineering background. So, in the first several months, I tried hard to develop the statistical and analytical skills by reviewing the theories, attending internal and external meetups, taking online courses, and learning from experts. Soon I found that most data scientists, including myself, tended to work on the “cool” stuff that built a perfectly fitted model with unrealistically high-quality data. And, the model was rarely considered to be developed into a production system. I suspected the reasons behind this were two fold: users who “buy” the model do not want to invest too much in a full fledged system before seeing the “appealing” results; the technology platforms for converting data science proof-of-conecpt into production is not powerful nor standardized. The observation forced me to rethink about the role of a data scientist - I recognized the importance of combining software and computer engineering skills with machine learning techniques to produce cool and, more importantly, useable solutions.
At Microsoft, I was lucky enough to work with a group of talented people. I found a great amount of similarities with them. And this led to efficient ideation and execution in our work. With their help, I participated in and contributed to many impactful projects. Below it is a selected list of such projects which are publicly shareable (we started open-source software development even before Microsoft acquired GitHub!).
- AzureDSVM. This was the very first “product” I developed at Microsoft. It was under the guidance of my then-manager Graham Williams who is one of the most renowed R experts in the world. AzureDSVM is an R package for operating Azure Data Science Virtual Machines. It enhanced the experience of setting up large-scale parallel computing environment on cloud with purely R programming language. This package supports R data scientists to run scalable analytical job on a remote cluster of Azure data science virtual machines. After the release of AzureDSVM, I received a lot of positive feedback from our technical sales colleagues and their customers. The work built my reputation in the R and data science community - I published several blog posts (AzureDSVM: a new R package for elastic use of the Azure Data Science Virtual Machine and Parallelizing Data Analytics on Azure with the R Interface Tool) and presented several times at different conferences like Strata+Data, Microsoft MLADS, etc.
- AzureSMR. Around the same time of AzureDSVM, I joined the collaborative effort with Alan Weaver and Hong Ooi from Microsoft London and Microsoft Melbourne, respectively, to develop AzureSMR. It is an R package that supports CRUD operations on more Azure resources than just the virtual machines. The package got a lot of attention of Microsoft customers whose technology stack is on R and Azure. It is now a part of AzureR and is maintained by Hong actively.
- acceleratoRs. After a number of successful customer engagements, I started to open source the collection of R-based data science and machine learning solutions for the commonly seen industrial problems like solar energy forecasting, employee attrition prediction, etc. “acceleratoRs” was one of the first efforts for reusable and deployable end-to-end solution on cloud from Microsoft data science team. It was the tipping point when my work got focused more on operationalization of a data science and machine learning system than just a proof-of-concept.
- Microsoft Recommenders. Microsoft
Recommenders is not just a huge success for me and the team that drives it, it
is also an influential project for Microsoft. It unprecedentedly established
the technological strength and reputation of Microsoft in the recommender
system technology realm. The project started from almost nothing in 2018, and
today it is the most popular recommended system project on GitHub (starred
about 12k times). To me, developing and leading the Microsoft Recommenders
project was like start-up experience to which I got fully devoted with true
passion. That was the period when I had the most meetings in the night and
the highest frequency of GitHub commits - I do not see it a break of my
work-life balance - dedication to a thing that brings me passion and
enthusiasm is definitely worth the sacrifice. The impact of the project is
massive - with Microsoft Recommenders, the team has
- worked with more than 30 customers on various recommendation problems,
- published 3 top-tiered academic papers, i.e., WWW 20, KDD 19, and RecSys 19,
- gave more than 10 tutorials and talks at top-tiered industrial and academic conferences like KDD, PAKDD, ICDM, O’Reilly AI Conference,
- and collaborated with 75 contributors on GitHub from all over the world.
Thanks to the continuous leadership of Tao Wu, Miguel Fierro, Andreas Argyriou, Scott Graham, and Jun Ki Kim, the Microsoft Recommenders project is still being actively developed and well maintained today. Collaborators from the Microsoft Research team led by Xing Xie, Jianxun Lian, and Fangzhao Wu, keep the freshness of the project by contributing the novel recommender system algorithms. The project keeps attracting contributions from the community as well, and in turn, it provides research and development value to individuals and organizations from all across the world.
There was much more interesting work done at Microsoft than what I have shared above. Due to the confidentiality I have to keep it private. It was in these rewarding projects where I grew my technical skills. Also from the projects I learnt how to work as a productive, empathetic, and humble individual as well as a team lead. My perspective about data science and machine learning became more practical than that in the years of Ph.D. Doing “cool” stuff should not be merely for being cool - instead, innovation in whichever form should aim at providing value.
What’s next
As I decided to leave Microsoft I started to carefully plan my next stage of career. I am very positive about the future of data science and machine learning. Apparently, the potential of the technology has not yet been fully exploited. This might be due to the lack of thorough understanding of cerntain technical problems as well as the inmaturity of the underlying technology that supports the algorithmic implementations. Maybe data scientist is no longer the “sexiest” job (well this depends on how it is defined :)) - instead of conceptualization and prototype development, data science and machine learning requires more hands-on dirty work to help tackle the realistic problems that companies care about. In addition, domain knowledge becomes pressingly important to the success of data science and machine learning project. Having experience in a particular industry sector complements the profession as a data scientist or machine learning engineer.
The anticipation of an even larger scale-out of data science, machine learning, and AI applications directed me to consider exploring the following areas where I personally forsee a promising future.
Industry-specific applications
I am a strong believer in applicable data science, machine learning, and AI in transforming the contemporary industries. Compared to the technology companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook (now Meta), etc., who have already practiced data science and machine learning in the core business (advertisement, search engine, cloud computing, etc.) for ages, traditional corporations in the industry sectors other than software or internet has just got started. It’s still commonly seen in the enterprises that constructing a data science and machine learning system incurs high-cost of both infrastructure and human resources but results in limited return-of-investment.
Gartner predicts that 85% of the machine learning projects will fail. I have experienced failure projects at Microsoft for many times. Usually the failures are due to unclear definition of problems, incompleteness of data governance, lack of MLOps, limited resonance between technical specs and business requirement, undesirable developer and/or user experience, etc.. For industrial applications, before going directly into the development, it is pivotal to make a strategic plan and form up a team with the right specialties. Usually the specialties should be generally diversified, i.e., the team should consists of data scientists, machine learning engineers, cloud system architects, etc., instead of just data scientists. Also, it would be ideal that the domain experts join the same team or have a frequent connection with the team for knowledge sharing. While the technological progression is often abrupt and distructive, that of an industry domain is accumulative and cannot be easily overthrown.
Productionizable system at scale
Unlike years ago when a prototype of the support vector machine classifier could generate buzz, nowadays, productionization of an entire end-to-end pipeline is a required outcome of machine learning projects. I have not sufferred much from transferring my mind-set from the theory-oriented approach to the production-oriented one thanks to the training as an engineer. At work, I always found it mandatory to build data science and machine learing systems that have well-defined run-time topology and user-friendly APIs.
In fact, building a scalable machine learning system for production is not that easy. It is truly a combinational practices from different disciplines. In the first a few years when I worked with customers on “big data” project, scalability is the key ask because not many systems can survive with the rapid growth of data volume and velocity. That was when I started to learn Apache Spark and applied it to many of my projects. Today, Spark has already become a standard for building scalable machine learning system. Among all of the technical considerations for building a production-ready machine learning system, the following are always on the top of my mind.
- Scalability of data storage and computation. For many industrial applications, the data size is significantly large. This requires the backbone system to be substantially powerful. Usually, distributed computing framework/platform (e.g., Apache Spark for bulk data, Apache Kafka for streaming data, Horovod for deep learning, etc.) and database (e.g., geographically replica of data) are useful to build up such powerful back end systems. In addition to the offline computing and data persisting, online computing needs to be scalable. Technologies like Kubernetes, Swarm, etc., serve to such demand. Nowadays, with the help of the cloud platform, many of the distributed systems can be deployed without efforts. Many tutorials of such topic can be found on internet (e.g., scalable machine learning on Azure, building scalable machine learning on AWS, etc.) for learning.
- Real-time data processing, feature engineering, and model serving. Most of the existing machine learning systems are still operated in an offline mode. These days, I have seen an increasing demand of real-time machine learning from the customers that I have worked with. The requests are usually from the domains like retail, entertainment, etc., where processing data, training model, and generating prediction results should happen within milli seconds to allow large scale service online (in the Instagram Explorer recommender system, 90 million model predictions are performed within one second). Real-time machine learning system implementation is often sophisticated. The state-of-the-arts approach relies on not just a low-latency front-end which is developed with a compiled language (e.g., C, C++, etc.) for model serving, but also a real-time data processing and feature engineering pipeline that guarantees fast operation of the entire pipeline. A good insight about real-time machine learning can be found here. It is worth mentioning that there are quite a number of novel technologies to overcome the challenges of building real-time system in the recent years. Examples of such technologies include but are not limited to feature store, data streaming, model compression, etc., all of which contribute to improving the real-time capability of a machine learning system.
- MLOps for reliable and efficient machine learing system. Many of my successful projects have proven that MLOps is an important practice to build reliable and efficient machine learning system. MLOps is the key to prevent a data science and machine learning system from crashing in production. It is estimated that the market value of MLOps can be sized up to 125 billion dollars according to a recent study. A functional MLOps system can be as complex as the machine learning system it serves. The core tasks for MLOps are usually data sanity check, data governance, feature store and management, CI (continuous integration) / CT (continuous train) / CD (continuous delivery), health monitoring, unit/integration/smoke testing, etc. For example, in Microsoft Recommenders, a robust build pipeline was developed to assure the quality of the committed changes in the source codes and the example notebook codes. The tests run against the example data to make sure the results generated are within expectation.
Beyond the convention
There is a group of technologies that I am keen on seeing their success application in the near future. I have either self studied or practiced these technologies during my work at Microsoft but had limited chances to put them into a production.
- Reinforcement learning. In many application scenarios like online personalization, algorithmic trading, gaming, etc., reinforcement learning exhibits the power to overcome the challenges that traditional machine learning techniques cannot tackle with. I used to lead a project that used the OpenAI Gym framework for reinforcement learing-based recommender system, where I found its superior efficiency and efficacy in the context of huge data dynanmics. Compared to the conventional approach, the reinforcement learning-based method has less restricted assumption on the static data samples for model training - it directly gets input from front-end queries and dynamically produces outputs based on a “rewarding” mechanism. The modeling philosophy of a reinforcment learning framework is more close to the reality where responses are in time, so it is useful for many different types of problems where fast and accurate responses are required. There are already great attempts to apply reinforcement learning technologies into real-world systems (e.g., Azure Personalizer, Bonsai, automous data center cooling, etc.). It will surely enjoy an even larger scale of applications in the near future when the computating efficiency is further improved.
- Generative artificial intelligence. Synthetic data techniques become more and more useful, given that raw data for building machine learning systems are always difficult to acquire or cleanse (this is usually due to regulation, compliance, accessity to data, etc.). Generative AI resolves the shortage problem of data, especially the labelled data, such that even if without collecting large volume of data a model can still be reliably built. It is predicted that by 2030 most data used in AI will be artificially generated. Often a data synthetic tool requires deep domain knowledge and rigorous mathematical techniques. In addition, it needs iterations of validation against the ground truth data to make sure that the data quality from the synthetic tools is good enough.
- Ethical machine learning. Ethics remain a problem for applicable machine learning and AI models. Debiasing the prediction or classification results sometimes can be a severe moral affair. As a consequence, it is important for not just the developers including data scientists, algorithm engineers, researchers, etc., but also the ordinary people to understand how a model is created by certain algorithmic derivation and how certain forms of data are used for such creation. China has recently started a new regulation that controls the abuse of AI algorithms for end users. The aim of such regulation is that users should be given the options to understand if they are surfaced with algorithms that push advertisements, content, etc. Earlier, American companies like Facebook (now Meta) experienced the scandal that the user data were used for political advertising. There is no reason for blaming the technologies for the negative societal impact. Technolgies should be responsibly used and well regulated.
I find it hard to put all my thoughts about the past and the future into a blog post. Working in so great a company as Microsoft is definitely one of the most memorable periods of my life time (let me speak on behalf of the old me :)). This post will end here with an analogy of my career thus far - it is like an “exploitation and exploration” process that is often seen in an agent-based intelligent system:
- acquisition of new knowledge continues the journey,
- decision optimization is made with the old knowledge,
- and, exploration and exploitation is balanced for maximizing the overall gain.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank all the amazing people that I have met or worked with during the 5 years at Microsoft. I truly appreciate the learning from them.